The best employee experience platform

Discover everything you need to know to connect, communicate, and collaborate with your employees in a way that increases engagement and inspires success.

Ineffective talent strategy, unengaged employees

It takes more than icebreakers and team-building activities to truly get to know your employees. It’s impossible to effectively optimize talent without visibility into the employee lifecycle or a clear understanding of the employee experience.

  • Low employee engagement: Team members who don’t feel 
seen, heard, or appreciated are less likely to feel invested in organizational outcomes or initiatives, leading to lower productivity and a loss of morale. 
  • Higher employee engagement: Employees who are dissatisfied with their work environment, company culture, or day-to-day duties are more likely to entertain offers from recruiters, leading 
to lower employee retention rates as well as the cost and disruption of finding and onboarding new hires.
  • Poor communication: It’s difficult to fix a problem you don’t understand (or worse, aren’t aware exists). Collecting in-depth data about your employees and their experience offers clarity 
that opens lines of communication.

Gain clarity, empower performance

Leverage must-have behavioral data and actionable insights that illuminate the strengths, caution areas, preferred work style, and most important needs of team members to achieve an improved employee experience that will increase productivity and profitability.

  • Optimize the employee journey: Understanding behavioral drives makes it easier to build cohesive teams, clarify career paths, and strategically align talent with the right roles.
  • Improve company culture: Create an atmosphere that prioritizes trust, communication, and a genuine commitment to employee well-being to enhance employee performance and increase retention rates.
  • Increase employee satisfaction: Modern employees value leaders and organizations that value their time, talent, and efforts. Behavioral data allows you to tailor your communication style to motivate and inspire direct reports, resulting in more fulfilling work and more successful outcomes.

As a people-focused employee experience platform, the suite of tools offered by The
Predictive Index supports and nurtures culture, connectivity, and collaboration at every
stage of the employee lifecycle, from onboarding to off boarding.


Hire with certainty

Find the right person for the right role every time. Empower your human resources team with HR technology that helps attract top talent, identifies traits needed for each role, and improves the candidate experience.


Enhance leadership skills

Take leadership to the next level by using behavioral insights to solve people problems, fine-tune your emotional intelligence and communication skills, and implement data-driven solutions to mitigate obstacles.


Build cohesive teams

Create and inspire high-performing teams with an in-depth understanding of how people work and who works well together. Use behavioral assessments to identify misalignment between the team and its goals and leverage recommendations to close the gap.


Boost engagement

Open up lines of communication and gain valuable employee feedback with pulse surveys. Addressing the feedback collected in employee surveys builds stronger company culture and offers an easy opportunity to identify ways to improve every workday.

The Predictive Index is more than an employee experience platform; it’s a tool that builds stronger bonds, better teams, and broader potential. Stop the guess-and-check method of management and take a scientific approach to talent optimization to streamline the journey to success.

Change the way you work together

Frequently asked questions

What is employee experience?

Employee experience is the overall journey an individual goes through from the moment they first engage with a company for a job to the time they depart. It’s shaped by the workplace environment, the relationships formed, the tools provided, and opportunities for growth. Think of it as the day-to-day reality of working at a place and how it aligns with one’s own goals and values. A positive experience leads to better job satisfaction, engagement, and retention, making it a key ingredient for a company’s success.

Why is employee experience important?

Employee experience directly influences an individual’s performance, motivation, and commitment to their role and the organization as a whole. A positive experience fosters a sense of belonging, enhancing productivity and sparking innovation. Conversely, a negative experience can lead to decreased engagement, higher turnover rates, and even reputational damage for a company. In today’s competitive job market, employee experience can be a distinguishing factor in attracting and retaining top talent.
Prioritizing the well-being and experience of employees isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s a strategic move that impacts an organization’s bottom line and future growth.

What is employee experience software?

Employee experience software is a category of technological tools designed to enhance the overall experience of employees within an organization. These platforms provide features that address various aspects of an employee’s journey, from the recruitment and onboarding process to daily operations, feedback, professional growth, and eventual off boarding. Such software might offer modules for internal communication, performance reviews, learning and development, feedback surveys, and even wellness programs. The main objective is to streamline processes, foster engagement, enhance productivity, and gather insights on employee sentiments.

By centralizing many employee-centric functions, these tools aim to nurture a positive workplace environment and help organizations better understand and address their staff’s needs and preferences.

How can I improve employee experience with PI?

Improving employee experience using the Predictive Index (PI) assessment tool involves using the insights gained from the assessment to create a positive and engaging work environment. Here are steps you can take to enhance employee experience with the Predictive Index:

  • Administer the PI Assessment: Begin by having employees complete the PI assessment. Ensure that everyone understands the purpose of the assessment and how it will be used.
  • Analyze PI Results: Work with PI practitioners or HR professionals to analyze the results. The PI assessment provides insights into individuals’ workplace behaviors, motivations, and cognitive abilities.
  • Customize Employee Development: Use the insights from the assessment to tailor development plans for each employee. Identify their strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Effective Onboarding: Incorporate PI insights into your onboarding process. This can help new employees understand their roles better and get acclimated to the organization more quickly.
  • Team Building: Form teams with complementary skills and styles. Leverage PI data to create diverse, well-rounded teams that can collaborate effectively.
  • Communication Strategies: Understand how each employee prefers to communicate and adapt your communication strategies accordingly. Some employees may prefer direct and concise communication, while others may require more context and detail.
  • Conflict Resolution: Use PI insights to address conflicts within the team. Understanding the underlying reasons for conflicts can lead to more effective resolution.
  • Employee Engagement: Focus on aligning individual and team roles with employees’ behavioral drives and motivators. When employees are engaged in work that aligns with their natural tendencies, they are more likely to be satisfied and productive.
  • Employee Recognition: Recognize and reward employees in ways that resonate with their motivators. Some may prefer public recognition, while others may prefer private acknowledgments.
  • Professional Development: Offer training and development opportunities that cater to employees’ learning preferences and cognitive abilities. This can help them advance in their careers and improve their job satisfaction.
  • Feedback and Coaching: Provide feedback and coaching that is tailored to each employee’s behavioral style. Be aware of how different individuals respond to feedback and adapt your approach accordingly.
  • Continuous Feedback Loop: PI is not a one-time assessment. Regularly revisit and reassess employees’ profiles as their roles and responsibilities change.
  • Leadership Development: Use PI insights to identify potential leaders within your organization and invest in their development. Ensure that leaders understand how to effectively manage teams with diverse behavioral styles.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the impact of these efforts on employee experience and adjust your strategies as needed. Solicit feedback from employees to understand what’s working and what can be improved.

Create an exceptional employee experience

Elevate each and every employee in your organization by honoring their individuality, encouraging personal and professional growth, and fostering an environment that supports innovation, authenticity, and the contributions of everyone.